Olivia takes on.... the world!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


yoyo..greetings from Toronto or Tee-dot-O as its referred to in HipHop lyrics apparently hehe....hope all is good around the world, have been reading everyones blogs with great interest its like a treat when Ive had enough of job hunting on the net.

We found a place to live on Bathurst st, which is "downtown" well sort of, its in the student area called the annex which is cool, lots of cute houses with crusty couches outside and ppl playing guitar etc, the city has a funky bohemian vibe, little cafes, bars, op shops and book shores everywhere, and the fashion is seriously anything goes its great! I can walk to anywhere in the city and the subway and street cars are close by so its all good in the hood literally hehe. Its fab to be out of my sleeping bag and in a real bed, pure luxury I tell you after 4 months in the sack, crickey that sounds kinda gross, think I better wash it. Speaking of washing, we have to do ours at the laundry mat which is wyrd but guess I will get used to it.

Flatmates are cool Katherine and Dan, both Canadians,there are heaps of nationalities here its like a metropolis of cultures ha. Its going into summer, and we have a nice deck (they call it a patio) on the 3rd floor, with a hammock and bbq so got a nice wee spot for sunbathing.

Yah cant wait to see Matea, will be awesome!! I went shoe shopping yesterday and its out of control there is like a shoe mall with all the ranges like Gwen Stefani, JLo and Jessica Simpson, randy random I tell ya. The tax is never included in the price which catches me everytime, its whack.

Well I have no drunken rampaging to write about yet, have zero dollars and stressing about it, so am going to work at Hemingways restaurant (its NZ owned and decorated so I feel right at home, even have steinlager on tap) until something better comes along (fingers xd).

Have had some funny situations where ppl cant understand our accent (tis wyrd coz I dont think we sound that different), esp Jase as he tends to mumble at the best of times but like trying to say I need a size ten they are like "teen" whats that?? or the other day I wanted drawing pins and a small crowd gathered as I acted out pinning something to a wall and finally one guy was like "oh tacks you want thumb tacks well why didnt you just say"

love to all


Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

haha, finally in a country where they speak English and they don't understand ya! classic.
Good luck with the job hunting,


8:45 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

Ha ha love the small crowd gathering comment. I wanna see some pix! Can ya blog your lovely face again? Some self-portraits could be in order. Spoke to Elissa last night for two hours which was good – it's all sorted and our 10 year+ friendship is continuing on... Hurrah!
Good luck with new jobby – and non-hospy jobby soon to come!

9:01 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

PS Where did you guys stay in KL?


9:23 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

This cow is annoying – it ruins our blog comments so am gonna cull it...

9:24 PM  
Blogger Ju said...

haha good read olivia. fully understand the whole language thing, try saying the word 'deck' the americans use to think we were saying dick. we use to always get the boys to pull out ones like "would you like to come around and sit on my deck" and i have a very nice big deck at my house" hahah the look on there faces

10:31 PM  
Blogger Ju said...

and never trust the soda machines at the laundry mats, everytime i did my laundry i got ripped off by the machine it always ate my money.

and dont forget to swap the word "rubbish bin" for "trash can" or you could have another crowd gathering sitch on ya hands
good luck with the job luv. xxoo

10:36 PM  
Blogger jinnyjess said...

Haha, yeah its bad enough in bloody australia- my flatties call me Jiz, how gross is that..apparantly thats how orrin says my name. i get the ten, pen problem too, its sad actually, because you get so fed up with nobody understanding you, that you begin to talk in a foreign accent. Most people I meet now dont even realise Im kiwi, guess the old twang becomes second nature.

Good luck with the job hunting side of things, at least you have something to start off with, which will stop the "fuck I have no $$" freakout. I think thats the worst part about new countries, the whole stress of finding new job/$$ etc.
look forward to future updates!!!

12:51 AM  
Blogger Matea said...

Hi Olivia, lovely to read about your time in T.O thus far, been dying for you to update! I've been to your work!! Seriously, last time I was in T.O Mike took me there, and Russel Crowe was in drinking the previous nite. At the time I was still in hospo so was interested to see that the girls (who waitressed in short skirts and knee high boots!)just took the orders but the guy waiters had to bring out food. Is it still like that? Oh I'm so excited to meet up, not long now! You must love the COMPLUSARY tips too. Could blab for ages but if you get a mo' blog/email me your email address or cellphone numba, we'll keep in touch. Bye for now, good luck for the job hunting! xx

8:53 PM  
Blogger Matea said...

P.S: mateathoms@hotmail.com

8:54 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Great update mate! That drawing pin episode sounds hilarious, blog some more funny moments!
Good luck with the jobhunt, once you're working something better will come along.

I wanna see some pix too!


2:51 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

hey, your flat sounds wicked! sounds like youre getting well set up there. have you bumped into the hottest dj in the world 'dopey' by any chance? please look out for him.
americans are classic when they have no idea what youre talking about ay. eg serviettes, whats the haps, tea time etc.. lovin' the crowd! keep the updates comin!!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Hey another one is eggs, even aussie's don't know what I'm saying.

Post some pics pls, can't wait to see what Toronto's like..

4:58 AM  
Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

hey odawg, that drawing pin story is hillious!! i get random americans or canadians in for haircuts and they call fringes "bangs". they'r like, "wots a fringe????" classic! good luck with the job hunting! post some pics of ur cool flat. yay for summer for u! its cold in dunas, daily highs of 12 degress. mental. love u xxslash. say hi to jase from me too

7:31 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

UPDATE!!!!! please xx slash

4:11 PM  
Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

Yeah you're def overdue matey!
Hope life good in T.O.

9:15 PM  

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